Shipping Locations
Our Shipper Database contains extensively researched location data for shipper facilities.
The shipper database contains researched and vetted information about thousands of shipping locations. Locations are a specific instance of a facility operated by that shipper. All locations belong to a parent company, which makes it easy to associate it with a larger organization.
Shipping locations are how points on the Magic Map are rendered. The location of the point on the map corresponds with the physical location of the facility that the shipper operates. You can use this location data to find shippers are in geographies that your company serves.
Shipping location information
The shipping location information is the first set of data in a Shipper Details Card, and will appear at the very top of the card. You can view this information by clicking a point on the Magic Map, which will open up the shipper details for that point.
You can expect to find the following information under this section:
Location name
Main phone number
All locations will have an address. 90% of locations will also have a direct facility phone number.
Shipper locations in Shipper CRM are the locations of specific shipper facilities. These are easily viewable from the Magic Map, where you can select locations that correspond with the lanes that your organization runs.
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